What is hospital in the home?
Hospital in the home (HITH) is a hospital substitution service that allows members to access acute medical services in their own home. HITH is an alternative to being admitted to (or remaining in) hospital. Most members will be admitted to HITH from a hospital stay although in some cases they can be admitted from an Emergency Department or via their General Practitioner (GP).
Who qualifies for HITH?
- Members who have any level of hospital cover
- Members who would otherwise need to stay in hospital for their treatment
- Members must also meet the following criteria:
- Are clinically stable
- Have appropriate supports in the home e.g. carer or other support
- Live in a suitable environment with access to a telephone
- Be suitable for HITH services (able to follow instructions, safe at home)
- Agree to be in a HITH program
Which clinical services are covered by HITH?
- Acute/complex nursing e.g. Vac therapy, drain tube management (with measured output),
- Intravenous therapy e.g. antibiotics
- It can also include, if needed:
- Allied health
- Domestic assistance (meals and cleaning) if the patient does not have social supports available
- Personal care
Which services are NOT provided by HITH?
- Chronic wound care e.g. wound care that will be ongoing over months
- Oral or sub cutaneous (an injection under the skin) medication administration
- Personal care only
- Assistance with other activities of daily living without clinical care
How do members access HITH?
Members can request to be referred to HITH services. They can be referred in by their treating doctor or hospital discharge planning service however it is a clinical decision and must meet the appropriate criteria.
Who can we contact for more information?
Call us Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm on 1300 446 422 or contact your provider directly.