Health provider line
To make it easier for health services providers, a specialised team and a dedicated phone line are available to manage provider enquiries.

The health provider line is available for health care professionals to contact GMHBA on 1300 301 437
Membership checks and general enquiries
Call 1300 301 437, Monday to Friday
Fax: 03 5221 4582
Ancillary & General Enquiries:
Hospital Accounts & Billing:
Medical Accounts & Billing:
Radiology, Pathology & Non Access Gap Cover Providers
Access Gap Cover Provider change of details & Medical Gap Schedule of fees can be obtained through AHSA.
Clinical review
Providers please direct that any requests for HITH, RITH, high cost drugs, non-listed prostheses, psych ex-gratia, cochlear sound processors and any other clinical requests to clinical review email
GMHBA member support
1300 446 422
8.30am-5pm AEDT
Monday to Friday